Revelstoke Grizzlies split weekend fixtures

Revelstoke Grizzlies beat 100 Mile House Wranglers 3-2, lost to Osoyoos Coyotes 2-0 on weekend.

The Revelstoke Grizzlies' Louie Federico attempts a wrap-around during Friday's win over the 100 Mile House Wranglerss

The Revelstoke Grizzlies' Louie Federico attempts a wrap-around during Friday's win over the 100 Mile House Wranglerss

By Lachlan Labere, Black Press

On Friday, Nov. 6, the Grizzlies topped the top standing team in the Doug Birks Division, the 100 Mile House Wranglers, with a 3-2 tally.

Once again, Revelstoke fans were treated to a strong offensive action by the Grizzlies, who dominated the first frame and potted two goals in the process. The first was scored early in the period by Tommy Bodtker off Fuist. The second goal came at 5:37 by Aaron Aragon off Kyle Berry. Following a scoreless second period, the Wranglers managed to tie things up late in the third, pushing the game into overtime. An unassisted marker from Aragon gave the Grizzlies the win.

The following night, Nov. 7, the Grizzlies were at the Osoyoos Sun Bowl where they faced off against the Okanagan/Shuswap Division’s leading team, the Osoyoos Coyotes. While Revelstoke played well, Coyotes’ goalie Brett Soles was exceptional, blocking everything the Grizzlies threw at him – and earning the game’s first star in the process. Lenko, however, was also impressive, stopping 33 out of 35 shots on net and earning second star honours.

The end result was a 2-0 win for the home team.

Parent said the Grizzlies have to look at playing a more simple road game.

“In order to have a chance to win you have to be very simple and effective,” explained Parent. “We were a little bit too complicated in some situations a little bit too fancy. Now, our group is pretty resilient, and I think we’ll do better in 100 Mile.”

The Grizzlies were off to 100 Mile Tuesday, Nov. 10 (after press time) to once again do battle with the Wranglers. On Saturday, Nov. 14, they’ll be in Princeton to face off against the Posse.


Revelstoke Times Review