The Pee Wee team ready for the opening ceremony.

The Pee Wee team ready for the opening ceremony.

Revelstoke Pee Wee squad third at provincials

Revelstoke Peewee hockey team finishes third at Tier Four provincial championships in Kimberley.

By Alex Farrugia, Revelstoke Minor Hockey

The Revelstoke Peewee Rep Team headed to Kimberley to represent Revelstoke and the Okanagan at the BC Hockey Tier 4 Championship Tournament.

The first game was against Fort Nelson. With some nerves yet to settle, Revelstoke lost 6-3.

The second day was a double game day and the team was now ready to play. In the first game, after being down 5-1, the players elevated their game and with four goals from Grady Powell, they won 6-5.

Later that night the challenge was Kimberley. Again with determination, the team battled and the game ended in a 5-5 tie.

Next up was Langley, who had yet to lose by any reasonable margin. After a very strong game, Revelstoke conceded a couple of late goals and ended up losing 3-1. The final game against Houston was a 13-0 victory.

Goalie Dom Donato was the team’s anchor. In front of him was a swift and sturdy defence – James LeBuke, Tyler Jamieson, Will MacDonald, Makenna Howe and Krystal Kinoshita.  The fast and handy forwards were Sammy LeRose, David Kline, Matthew Scarcella, Grady Powell, Lane Bull, Jayke Coueffin, Carlos Serrouya, Michael Miertsch and Tyson Sessa.

With the 2-2-1 record, the Revelstoke Peewee team took third place (tied Kimberley with points but edged ahead with a higher tie breaking percentage).

The Revelstoke Pee Wee Rep would like to thank the community of Revelstoke for supporting the team on this great adventure. It will be an experience never forgotten for these young players.


Revelstoke Times Review