Revelstoke riders and locations shine in new 509 Films snowmobile flick

Revelstoke snowmobilers Nadine Overwater, Cody Borchers and Brodie Evans talk about the new sled movie 509: Volume 10.

A rider goes big during filming of 509 FIlms Volume 10.

A rider goes big during filming of 509 FIlms Volume 10.

Ski movie premieres are a regular thing on the big screen in the fall in Revelstoke. This week, the snowmobilers get their turn to shine when 509 films presents Volume 10 at the Roxy Theatre. This year’s edition will surely excite people in Revelstoke, with several local riders included and much of the movie filmed around Revelstoke.

The movie features many top snowmobilers riding backcountry locations around Canada and the U.S. We touched base with three Revelstoke sledders, Nadine Overwater, Cody Borchers and Brodie Evans, to find out more about the movie.

What is 509: Volume 10 like? Describe the movie for our readers.

Nadine Overwater: It is the best edit and directed snowmobile film on the market this year. It is about the similar passion of many individuals in North America and their different style and finesse in the sport. There are individual segments for each rider and it includes a bit of lifestyle in addition to some big mountain riding and lot’s of jumps considering last season wasn’t so much a pow season.

Cody Borchers: Volume 10 is a movie leaving you wanting more! It is filled with the most talented athletes in the snowmobile industry.

Brodie Evans: 509 Volume 10 show cases some of the best snowmobilers in the world doing some pretty unreal things, from riding deep snow, throwing huge tricks in the Revelstoke backcountry, hill climb racing, and heli shots.

Lots of scenes were filmed around Revelstoke. Where did you film and where were your favourite spots?

Nadine: Most of mine, Brodie and Cody’s segments were filmed in Revelstoke. It is so hard to choose. I really like Joss because it is dangerous to get into and keeps a lot of people out so there is never a crowd there, but in all reality anywhere you go you can find your own pocket. Other riding areas that were filmed were Keystone, Boulder, Sale and Turtle.

Cody: Most segments where filmed in Zipper Mouth Creek! My most favourite spot would be Zipper Mouth.

Brodie: I did most of my filming in Sale,  Keystone, Area 51, Turtle, Boulder and even for the little bike section at the beginning that was filmed on Logging Leftovers last May. Probably my favourite spot this season would have to be at Sale. It’s more my style of riding, with pillow lines and lots of features to send off.

Snow conditions were challenging for much of last winter. How did you deal with this and how did it affect filming?

Nadine: It really came down to the crunch as we waited and waited for pow and it just didn’t happen. Filming was a little less productive. It was hard to film a well rounded segment as it was pretty heavy to make man-made jumps, but somehow we made it happen. It’s all about having fun out there and finding a new angle or a new little hit with a rad backdrop. It doesn’t have to be all banger, huge shots.

Cody: One had had to adjust to snow conditions last year and look at lines and features with a new eye. Adapt to the changing conditions.

Brodie: Snow conditions where really challenging this last season. I had to shy away from my usual style of riding and put in a ton of time shovelling lots of man made features. I didn’t think it affected the filming for me because it made me just get more creative and think outside the box a bit more. I learnt a lot this past season and was pretty stoked on how it turned out!

What was your personal highlight from filming?

Nadine: My personal highlight for filming with 509 is that even though it is a large company with a large group of riders, everyone is super supportive of each other and everyone comes out to the heli shoot and gets each other fired up. It’s about respecting each other and enjoying eachothers success and all the beauty that we are surrounded with.

Cody: Having a full season under my belt is my biggest highlight for me.

Brodie: My personal highlight from filming this season would be having a full segment with 509. Last season I only had a few shots in the movie so it was an awesome experience piecing together a segment through out winter and seeing it put on the big screen. I also would like to thank my friends for helping me throughout the whole project. Shout outs to Cody Borchers, Nadine Overwater, Derek Wood, Alex Berg, Cody Erwin, Jake Teuton, Dane Tudor, Donavon Skelton and of course big sister Leah Evans.

Obviously this movie will appeal to snowmobilers — but what would you tell a non-snowmobiling friend to convince them to come see it?

Nadine: I would tell them that this is a huge part of this community and you should come and see the film so you can see what the terrain looks like up there and what we are capable of on sleds. I have a lot of respect for all the sports and all the athletes in this town and its really cool, and really exciting, to come out to all the film premiers and support each other and see where we are all at.

Cody: The film maker has a unique way of telling a story through snowmobiling. The movie will keep you entertained and may even leave you with wanting to get out there and try it yourself.

Brodie: Come support local talent. We are all in Revelstoke for one reason in the winter and that is to shred on the snow. Whether that be on skis, a snowboard, or in this case on a snowmobile, I think it’s really important to support everybody. Revelstoke is a really unique town for having so much talent. I just hope everybody can come down and watch this movie and appreciate athletes doing what they have a passion for.

You can watch Volume 10 at the Roxy Theatre this Thursday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are available in advance at Infinite Powersports, Rough Country Marine, Skookum Cycle & Ski, the Village Idiot and the Big Eddy Pub.


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