James LeBuke, a Revelstokian going to university in Michigan, has qualified for the National Collegiate Athletic Association championships later this month. (Submitted)

Revelstoke swimmer going to NCAA championships

James LeBuke is a member of the University of Michigan swim team

  • Mar. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Revelstoke News Staff

James LeBuke, is headed to the National Collegiate Athletic Association championships later this month.

LeBuke, who grew up in Revelstoke, is currently a freshman member of the men’s swimming team at the University of Michigan.

He competed in the 50, 100 and 200 yard freestyle at the Big 10 conference championships held in Columbus Ohio last week.

The University of Michigan scored a come-from-behind victory winning the meet for the 42nd time in their 100 year history.

LeBuke swam to best times in all his events and earned spots in the B finals in both the 50 yard and 100 yard freestyle.

In the US, athletes swim in a 25 yard pool unlike in Canada where all swimmers swim in a 25 meter pool .

LeBuke swam to best times of 19.7 seconds (21.8 conversion to meters) in the 50 yard freestyle and 43.3 seconds (47.7 seconds conversion to meters) in the 100 freestyle .

After qualifying in the 4 by 100 meter freestyle relay, James will be headed to Greensboro, North Carolina from March 23-27 to compete in the NCAA championships where the Wolverines are going in as the No. 9 rank men’s team in the US.

READ MORE: Revelstoke swimmer headed to World Junior Swimming Championships


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