The Columbia Basin Trust is providing $25,000 for a natural playscape at Begbie View Elementary . (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Review)

Revelstoke youth activity projects funded by Columbia Basin Trust

In total the trust granted $500,000 to 80 projects across the region

Two Revelstoke projects are among 80 to be funded by the Columbia Basin Trust this spring.

The funds are for programs aimed to keep youth moving.

“We heard how important it was to parents, educators and communities to get children and youth moving to improve their physical and mental well-being,” said Michelle d’Entremont, manager, delivery of benefits, for the trust in a news release. “We’re thrilled that so many groups, schools and individuals have committed to increasing and improving opportunities for young people, which will have so many benefits—including fun—for countless young participants.”

The Revelstoke School District received $25,000 to build a nature playscape at Begbie View Elementary and the City of Revelstoke received $2,750 in funds for to help community organizations to work together to remove the financial, physical and emotional barriers associated with female youth participation in mountain biking.

READ MORE: Columbia Basin Trust releases short-term strategic plan

In total the trust granted $500,000 for various projects across the region.

Revelstoke Review