Reynolds runners settle for second at provincials

Kalum Delaney Brendan Hoff fell just shy at B.C. High School Cross Country Championship

Kalum Delaney and Brendan Hoff each placed second at the B.C. High School Cross Country Championship in Langley.

Kalum Delaney and Brendan Hoff each placed second at the B.C. High School Cross Country Championship in Langley.

A pair of Reynods secondary athletes missed a sweep of the junior and senior boys B.C. High School Cross Country Championship titles by a matter of inches on Saturday (Nov. 7).

Grade 10 Kalum Delaney finished the junior boys race in 17 minutes and 41 seconds, missing first place by about 10 centimetres,

Delaney was pipped by Jaxon Mackie of Earl Marriott (17:41). Reynolds senior Brendan Hoff (23:48) was almost as close, finishing second in the six-kilometre race, a little more than an arm’s length behind Point Grey’s Kieran Lumb (23:47).

The Reynolds senior boys team, with Taylor Lyman (19th), JJ Carr-Cannings (40th) and Jonah Smith (49th), plus fifth Daniel Roke (126th), was second overall in the team standings behind Oak Bay.

“That means in the last four years the Reynolds senior boys team has been second, third, sixth and second in the province,”  said Reynolds coach Brad Cunningham.

Hannah Henry, the versatile Grade 11 Mount Douglas secondary track star and triathlete, finished third overall, an entire minute behind Vernon superstar Hannah Bennison. The latter put nearly a minute on second place to win the four-kilometre senior girls race in 16:41, ahead of second place Christina Sevsek (17:34) and Henry (17:41).

Chrissa Tromp of St. Michaels University School was 41st among senior girls (20:13) and Holly Henry of Mount Doug was 68th (20:54).

St. Andrew’s School athlete Bridget Mateyko was once again Saanich’s top junior girl, 12th overall with a time of 19:16 in the 4.6km race.



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