Rhythmic gymnasts earn ribbons

Special Olympics athletes compete at a recent event in Victoria

DANYA O'HARA, HEIKE Wilson, Marie Koop and Kerri Denniger show some of the equipment they use in their rhythmic gymanstics routines.  Missing from the picture is Katie Flint.

DANYA O'HARA, HEIKE Wilson, Marie Koop and Kerri Denniger show some of the equipment they use in their rhythmic gymanstics routines.  Missing from the picture is Katie Flint.




The Rhythmic Gymnastics team is just one of many active Special Olympics sports teams in the Comox Valley. Members of the Rhythmic Gymnastics team learn routines using either a ball, hoop, rope or ribbon and perform these routines to music.  All five team members have worked hard practising skills with the different apparatus and memorizing their routines.

Recently, three members of the team competed at the regional level in Victoria.  Both Katie Flint and Marie Koop left proudly sporting ribbons for four different routines and both earned second place overall in their divisions.  Danya O’Hara won three ribbons and earned third place overall in her division.

Special Olympics offers athletic opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities. If you’re a fan of diversity, you’re a fan of Special Olympics.

– Comox Valley Special Olympics





Comox Valley Record