Riding for a cause

Local riders do a poker run to raise money for the Amata House.

The annual poker run was a success with warm weather, plenty of riders attending and a great time out on the road, not to mention the money raised.

The annual poker run was a success with warm weather, plenty of riders attending and a great time out on the road, not to mention the money raised.

Last Saturday, bikers of all stripes gathered at the Maple Park Mall to go for a ride and raise money for the Amata House.

Marc Valois, an organizer of the event, was happy with the ride.

“We had a great time, a really good turnout and great weather,” he said.

The motorcyclists covered many miles, first heading south, before turning their bikes around and heading north of town, then trailing back in to finish.

They met in the morning at Maple Park Mall, went south to Kersley, toured around Dragon Lake to Murphy’s Pub before heading on to Sylvia’s Cafe.

They then continued on north, all the way up to Ten Mile Lake, before turning around to finish in town at the Cariboo Hotel to relax and chat.

The event went off perfectly and all the bikers were happy to help the community out.

The organizers for the event were well backed up by the community and have a long list of people to whom Valois, on behalf of the event, would like to extend a special thanks.

The 14th annual Quesenl Charity Motorcycle Poker Run 2012 raised $746.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer