River City Cycle Club represented at Alberta Rockies 700

The River City Cycle Club members have been enjoying a great riding season so far and have had some notable showings in a number of races.

Geoff Payne of the River City Cycle Club participated in the Alberta Rockies 700 on June 19. He completed 600 km before tapping out due to hip pain.

Geoff Payne of the River City Cycle Club participated in the Alberta Rockies 700 on June 19. He completed 600 km before tapping out due to hip pain.

The River City Cycle Club members have been enjoying a great riding season so far and have had some notable showings in a number of races.

With a race start of June 19, Geoff Payne and Greg Johnson participated in the inaugural Alberta Rockies 700.

The Alberta Rockies 700 is a fully self-supported bike race. The race is approximately 700 km long with over 9,000 metres of elevation gain. Over 80 per cent of the route is on gravel roads with the other 20 per cent being on paved roads. No outside help is allowed other than what you can find or buy.

Approximately 40 cyclists started the race with about 15 finishing the race. Times ranged from a blistering one day and 17 hours to three days and 10 hours.

Greg Johnson completed the route in two days and nine hours for a fourth overall finish.

Geoff Payne completed over 600 km of the route before having to scratch due to hip pain.

RCCC Vice-President Road, Jacob Koomen, completed the 400 km Ride2Survive on June 18.  The mission of this event is to raise money for cancer research, and this year over $600,000 was raised.

A little over 100 cyclists rode the 400 km route from Kamloops to Delta in approximately 20 hours, enduring wind and rain to complete this 100 per cent volunteer driven event.

The objective of the RCCC is to actively promote cycling interests in Campbell River, and to build a stronger cycling community.

The RCCC encourages and supports recreational and competitive cycling events, which contribute to both healthier citizens and a healthier and vibrant community.

If you’re interested in riding with other cyclists on the road or trails, the RCCC has group rides happening fivedays a week.  Road rides leave the Sportsplex on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 9 a.m., as well as Outdoor Addictions on Saturdays at 3 p.m.  Mountain bike rides are in Beaver Lodge Lands Tuesdays at 6 p.m. and Wednesdays in Snowden at 6 p.m., as well as from Outdoor Addictions at noon on Saturdays.  Check out the RCCC Facebook page for updates on ride locations and times as well as for info on special events.

Campbell River Mirror