The newly formed Rock Steady PD Boxing program to fight back against Parkinson’s disease is welcoming new members.

The newly formed Rock Steady PD Boxing program to fight back against Parkinson’s disease is welcoming new members.

Rock Steady Boxing program fights Parkinson’s disease

A Rock Steady PD Boxing program is starting up in the Comox Valley.

The mission of Rock Steady Boxing is to empower people with Parkinson’s disease to fight back, the website notes.

“We are trying to get a Rock Steady PD boxing program started here in Courtenay,” says local spokesperson Dave Heimburg.

“Jonny Mac, of the Comox Valley Boxing Club has offered to hold classes for us at his gym. We’ve had two sessions already and from those of us who have attended, let me tell you they’re great!” Heimburg said.

“These are exercise sessions for both men and women with Parkinson’s. It is no-contact boxing that people of most physical abilities with PD can do. Please contact your doctor prior to attending, though, to get the medical go-ahead to participate,” Heimburg said.

“Our first class had 14 of us in attendance, and yesterday’s class had six – and that even with the busy holiday season upon us. Also, for yesterday’s class our instructor, Jonny, had three additional volunteers to help, and they were just great,” Heimburg said.

Those interested in participating in this program, can contact Heimburg at Currently, classes are being held on Fridays at 2:30 p.m. at 129 5th Street, Courtenay. And you can contact the instructor, Jonny Mac at 250-898-7444 or via email at

The next class is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the boxing club in Courtenay.

In addition to the Rock Steady Boxing at the boxing club, PWRMoves! (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery) classes with instructor Jill Nelson start up again in February. Call Comox Community Centre to register or for more information, 250-339-2255.


Comox Valley Record