Bill Pringle Photography

Bill Pringle Photography

Rolling with the Rockets: Bryce Trimmer

Bryce Trimmer was one of the first players to commit to the Golden Rockets at the beginning of the season.

  • Jan. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Bryce Trimmer was one of the first players to commit to the Golden Rockets at the beginning of the season.

Since then, he has been working hard to be the best player he can, and to help bring his team to success.

Starting out playing hockey at the young age of four, Trimmer had made great friendships over the years with his positive and soft spoken demeanor. He came to Golden thinking it would be a greta place to live, while continuing to move forward with his hockey career.

Every shift, Trimmer works hard and never gives up. That’s his recipe for success, and what makes him a good teammate.

He wants to play consistently well all season, and continue making the important plays he has been. In the future, he is thinking about attending school.

Trimmer was the Rockets player of the game on January 4, scoring the winning goal in overtime against the Columbia Valley Rockies.

“[Trimmer] is a soft spoken, polite, young man. But when he puts his gear on, he is a terror for the opposition,” said head coach Jeremy Blumes. “He is a physical, solid, two-way centre, that plays a 200-foot game. Trimmer possesses a hard, accurate shot. He has had an impressive rookie campaign, collecting 30 points in 35 games so far.”

If you were a scout, how would you describe yourself as a player?

I would describe myself as a big centre man that is tough to play against, that never stops working.

If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?


If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?

To be strong like The Hulk.

What is your favourite thing to do to relax?

Sit in the hot tub.

Jersey Number: 21

Position: Forward

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 197 lbs.

Hometown: Calgary, Alta.

Shoots: Right

Date of Birth: August 11, 2000

Golden Star