Romaniuk on a tear in ladies’ golf

Sandra Simpson and Claudia Romaniuk tied for low gross in the Alberni Golf Club ladies’ club nine-hole play on Tuesday.

Sandra Simpson and Claudia Romaniuk tied for low gross in the Alberni Golf Club ladies’ club nine-hole play on Tuesday. Both were playing in the low handicap group.

Kath Stolth won low net. Romaniuk and Kathy Toms tied for low putts.

For the nine-hole ladies high handicap Pat Dahlquist won low gross, Betty Adair won low net and Lauralee Edgell had the lowest putts.

Marta Williamson had a birdie on No. 17.  Pars were had by Mel Mihychuk  on No. 11, Nancy Blair with her chip-in on No. 12, Romaniuk No. 13 and 16, Joan Hall No. 13.

For the 18-hole ladies, Marie Randall shot an impressive 84 to win low gross, Shirley Goodman won low net with 68. Carol Bouchard held the challenge pin, Barb Sheare challenged for it and Bouchard won the match.  Carol Hastings will challenge Bouchard next time.

Next week will be the “bring a guest” nine- and 18-hole ladies scramble.  Bring as many guests as you would like: just let Carol Bouchard know so she can make up the draw at 250-723-0274.


Three Alberni ladies went to a tournament at Glacier Greens golf club in Comox last weekend: Barb Sheare won low net in her handicap division, Carol Bouchard won fourth low net in her division and La Donna Knutson also won a low net prize.


June 9 results

For the nine hole ladies low handicap group, Claudia Romaniuk won low gross and Lee Anne Van Lent won low net.

In high handicap  Mary Ann Maddison won low gross, Bea Stuyt won low net.

For the 18-hole ladies, Carol Bouchard and Janice Cross tied for low gross.  Carol Hastings won Monthly Medal for her low net.

Alberni Valley News