Kyle Tessier, left and Joey McKerricher, boxers with the 2 Rivers Boxing Club, are looking forward to stepping into the ring this season.

Kyle Tessier, left and Joey McKerricher, boxers with the 2 Rivers Boxing Club, are looking forward to stepping into the ring this season.

Rookies ready to step into ring

The 2 Rivers Boxing Club is up and running and coach Wally Doern is already looking for big things from his rookies.

The 2 Rivers Boxing Club is up and running and coach Wally Doern is already looking for big things from his rookies.

For Doern, a rookie boxer is a boxer with two or fewer bouts.

Two bouts, Doern explained, is about how long it takes to establish a plan and get a boxer’s style corrected and headed in the right direction.

“By then they know what’s expected of them and they also know what kind of training they have to do to be able to compete successfully,” Doern said.

Two of those rookies are Joey McKerricher and Kyle Tessier.

McKerricher, 17, with a record of 1-1, has learned from his previous bouts.

In his first bout, McKerricher lost because of a lack of cardiovascular conditioning.

To avoid the same outcome, McKerricher, a Grade 12 student at Correlieu senior secondary, spent the summer training and working on his cardiovascular fitness.

“I trained a lot during the summer, I didn’t want to get out of shape and lose again,” McKerricher admitted.

“That’s like the worst feeling.”

McKerricher said he has also spent time working on his techique, particularly the ability to switch hands, to box either right-handed or left-handed.

“It’s a work in progress,” he said.

For the moment, McKerricher said he is concentrating on his movement in the ring as well as concentrating on keep his hands up even though his arms may be tired.

Although blocking punches is a necessity in the boxing ring, McKerricher said his favourite part about boxing is the counter-punch, blocking a punch and returning the punch.

Unlike McKerricher, Kyle Tessier has yet to step into the ring.

Tessier, a Grade 9 student at Quesnel junior school, has been a member of the 2 Rivers Boxing Club for almost two years and during that time he has trained diligently, but has been unable to find an opponent willing to step in the ring with him.

The problem is Tessier, who just turned 14, was much taller than any of potential 13-year-old opponents.

“I couldn’t find anyone to step in the ring with me,” Tessier, who stands about 6 ft, said.

Now, Tessier has moved up an age category and can face boxers up to 16-years old, which he hopes will make it easier to find an opponent.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Tessier said.

“I enjoy boxing, I enjoy the rush of it.

“It’s not just about punching, you have to be smart about it and figure out your opponents strategy.”

In the meantime, Tessier continues to train, sparring mostly with older boxers, working on his technique, especially his jab and learning to keep his hands up.

“Nobody likes to get punched in the face,” he said with a smile.

As for upcoming competitions, Doern is looking at the provincial championships and Rob McGregor and Ray Beaulieu will be representing the 2 Rivers Boxing Club.

For McGregor it will be his second trip to the provincials in as many years and Doern is optimistic he will make the team this year.

Last year, McGregor was taken out of the provincial competition by a low blow in the third round that left him staggering and in pain.

At that point McGregor was ahead on points.

Although he was allowed to take as much time as he needed to recover from the blow, ring officials hurried McGregor back into the ring.

McGregor, winded and in pain, never recovered and lost the bout on points.

“He’s a defensive fighter and we’re trying to establish a little more offence with Rob,” Doern said,

“If Rob comes to fight he should do well.”


Quesnel Cariboo Observer