Rossland girls soccer team headed to provincials

Rossland Secondary's girls senior soccer team captured the Kootenay High School yesterday.

The Rossland Royals senior soccer team captured the Kootenay High School title Wednesday in Rossland

The Rossland Royals senior soccer team captured the Kootenay High School title Wednesday in Rossland

Rossland Secondary’s girls senior soccer team captured the Kootenay High School yesterday. The team went undefeated at the tournament, which took place at the Rossland school’s field.

The eight team tournament finished with third place going to Kimberley and second to Nakusp.

The win allows the RSS team to compete in the British Columbia Single A provincials in Kelowna.

Coach Rick McKinnon said that with six Grade 12 girls on the team and the tournament only a week before their grad, it shows their commitment and hard work is first and foremost in their quest for continued success, both in and out of school.

Many of the girls on the team were also members of either or both the West Kootenay championship field hockey team, and the West Kootenay championship basketball team.

McKinnon added that with any luck, the team’s hard work and talent may land them a great showing at the provincial soccer championship. Getting gold would be the pinnacle of success for these seniors.


Rossland News