The low gross winners were Sally Dobler and Josee Deslauriers from Morningstar Golf Course, seen with tourney chair Rona Lawson (right)

The low gross winners were Sally Dobler and Josee Deslauriers from Morningstar Golf Course, seen with tourney chair Rona Lawson (right)

Royal LePage Ladies Tillicum plays on through the rain

Sunnydale Ladies host popular golf tournament on Aug. 8

The popular Royal LePage Ladies Tillicum golf tournament was held Aug. 8 at Sunnydale Golf Course under rainy skies.  With a total of 114 entries the course was busy but played well.

Winning the Royal LePage Team Trophy for low gross was the team of Sally Dobler and Josee Deslauriers from Morningstar Golf Course with a score of 72.  They were followed  by the team of Karen Kloske of Duncan Meadows and Bev Byerley of Sunnydale with 77.

The winners of the Eagle FM Radio low net trophies were Janet Edwards and Judy Brown from Glacier Greens with a 60. They were closely followed by Rona Lawson of Sunnydale and Pat Ailles of Comox who had 64.

The Friday night before the tournament we held an Individual Skills contest which consisted of a Long Drive, a Long Putt, a bump and run on #10 and a Chipping Contest on #9.  Many ladies participated and the winner was Barb Dixson.  There was a tie for second place between Pat Peden, Chris Frederickson, Maylene Friesen and Patti Harris. This was followed by our too popular Wine and Cheese welcoming.  Our theme was Bling and many ladies arrived wearing all their family jewels!

“We thank our major sponsors of Royal LePage and Eagle FM Radio who are very generous,” a spokesperson said. “We also thank the many volunteers, Noah Koester who put on a  top-notch magic act,  our scorer John Davis, Comox Valley Catering, Aaron and his grounds crew, Robbie in the Pro Shop and all the businesses who donated door prizes.  Everyone’s support is much appreciated.”

Top 10 net and gross winners:

Gross: Dobler/Deslaurier 72, Kloske/Byerley 77, Rallison/Peden 81, Berkely/Walker 82, Dafoe/Harris 82, Robertson/Mitchell 84, Pouliot/Shaw 85, Campbell/Strachan 85, Macaulay/Dingwall 86, Friesen/Friesen 86.

Net: Brown/Edwards 60, Lawson/Ailles 64, Sheldon/Sheldon 64, Aldcroft/MacFarlane 65, Dyke/Henry 66, Tribe/Riva 65, Harris/Clark 67, Sands/Phillips 67, Westbrook/Wagenstein 67, Coulter/Taylor 67.

Other winners:

Early Bird Draw –  Maggie Miller and Trish Heyland

Long Drive #7 (0-22 handicap) Colleen MacDonald

Long Drive #14 (23-plus Handicap) Trisha Harris from Crown Isle

KP #3 (0-22 handicap) Carol Dalzel; (23-plus handicap) Bel Brown

KP #10 (0-22 handicap) Karen Vanetta 10 feet 5 inches; (23-plus handicap) Lucille Campbell 14 feet 10 inch

KP #15 (0-22 handicap) Judy Pouliot 7 feet 3 inches; (23-plus handicap) Val Pearce 14 feet 1 inch

KP #17 (0-22 handicap) Bev Byerley 14 feet 1 inch; (23-plus handicap) Ricki Farrell 59 inches

Deuce Pot Winners:  Ricki Farrell, Mary Henry, Lys McCrone, Jean McCrea, Trudy Annand, Bev Byerley, Pat Costello, Teri Sleigh

Squiggly Line – Linda Baker

Bling Prize was won by sisters Helen McLaughlin and Val Pearce.

– Sunnydale Ladies Golf


Comox Valley Record