Brandon Tolfo (right) slides a pass to Cowichan Farm Store Fury teammate Riley Wainman during Saturday’s game against JDF Bombers. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

Brandon Tolfo (right) slides a pass to Cowichan Farm Store Fury teammate Riley Wainman during Saturday’s game against JDF Bombers. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

‘Rusty’ return for Cowichan Fury

Cowichan looking at cup run next

The Cowichan Farm Store Fury weren’t at their best when they returned to action on Saturday after a prolonged winter break.

The Fury were handed a 2-1 loss by the Juan de Fuca Bombers at the Sherman Road turf on Saturday afternoon. JDF scored at 25 and 38 minutes, and Herman Parmar replied for Cowichan at 56 minutes.

“Well, we looked rusty and they did not,” Cowichan head coach Will Chaster observed. “The balance of the game laid there.”

With four wins, three draws and eight losses so far, the Fury sit sixth in Div. 3A of the Vancouver Island Soccer League. The team doesn’t have another match scheduled until Feb. 22, when Vic West Wanderers from Div. 3B visit Duncan for a George Pearkes Cup test.

“With all this better weather coming I hope we can focus on the cup run,” Chaster said.

Cowichan Valley Citizen