Saddle up for Watch Lake/Green Lake Gymkhana

Watch Lake/Green Lake gymkhana gets underway at noon July 14

The first of two Watch Lake/Green Lake Gymkhanas to be held this summer at Green Lake is slated to go July 14 at the gymkhana grounds located just west of Little Horse Lodge.

Events start at noon and all of the favourites, such as barrel racing and pole bending, are on the program along with a couple of fun novelty events, such as musical tires and the boot race.

Grab a seat in the stands or bring along your own lawn chair and sit in the shade of the aspen trees while taking in the action. The Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute will be manning the concession stand and serving burgers, hotdogs, snacks and beverages.

Prizes will be awarded to winners in each event and aggregate points earned for awards to be presented at the next gymkhana, which will take place Aug. 11.

100 Mile House Free Press