Salmon Arm tennis players advance to provincials in Vancouver

Women's team fails to qualify, but five men from the Salmon Arm Tennis Club will be off to Vancouver.

Marietjie Du Plessis returns the ball during a match at the Miele Team Tennis Tournament held over the weekend at the Kamloops Tennis Centre. The Salmon Arm women’s team did not qualify for provincials, but the  Salmon Arm 4.0/4.5 men’s team will advance to Vancouver. The players are: Jim Kocsis, George Kocsis, Winston Pain, Doug Rawson and Ken Hecker. There were 104 players from around the region attending.

Marietjie Du Plessis returns the ball during a match at the Miele Team Tennis Tournament held over the weekend at the Kamloops Tennis Centre. The Salmon Arm women’s team did not qualify for provincials, but the  Salmon Arm 4.0/4.5 men’s team will advance to Vancouver. The players are: Jim Kocsis, George Kocsis, Winston Pain, Doug Rawson and Ken Hecker. There were 104 players from around the region attending.

Salmon Arm Observer