Sanford & Dillman and Shuswap duke it out in playoffs

Great playoff action comes down to a best-of-three series

Sanford & Dillman and the Shuswap Defenders go into the final game in a best-of-three series in the 100 Mile House Men’s Fastball League playoffs.

This comes after a week of intense fastball full of chaotic weather, several makeup games and some great competitive ball.

Jakes Pub and Exeter Sporting Goods had certainly the most electrifying game of the entire playoffs on July 15.

Despite heavy rainfall and constant lightning, nothing could stop these teams from playing through the elements until the bitter end.

It was anyone’s game coming into the bottom of the seventh with the both teams tied 13-13.

Then Jakes Pub got a grand slam home run to win 17-14.

Next game in the playoffs series was 100 Mile ‘N Hour U16 against Shuswap on July 18 at 6 p.m.

The game was close with both teams featuring strong defensive abilities.

Shuswap pitcher Kevin Neufeld had hands of fire as he threw 12 strikeouts during the game.

The two teams were in a deadlock at three apiece coming into the bottom of the fifth inning.

That was when Shuswap turned the tides and scored seven runs with Mark Boyce hitting a home run.

Shuswap defeated 100 Mile ‘N Hour via mercy rule, 10-3.

Shuswap advanced to the next game at 8 p.m. against Jakes Pub.

Shuswap was still on a roll as the team took hold of the game early on.

Neufeld was still hot on the pitcher’s mound as he threw five strikeouts.

Jakes Pub tried to make a defensive change by trading pitchers Greg Pigeon for Greg Parent, but it wasn’t enough.

Shuswap won 9-4, and advanced to the finals against Sanford & Dillman on July 19 in a best-of-three series.

A double-header took place on July 19 to kick off the finals with Sanford taking control of the first game early on.

Reg Hooper was on the mound for Sanford and he was throwing in fireballs. Shuswap pitcher Neufeld also had a strong performance on the mound but it wasn’t enough to turn the tide.

Sanford won the first game 10-4.

Shuswap was tired after playing three back-to-back games in two days, but the team certainly wasn’t out of the fight.

Heading into the second game, the players pumped up their game and gave Sanford quite the surprise.

Shuswap took the lead early on with Dan Archie hitting a grand slam in the bottom of third. Sanford tried to take the lead back, but was unable to fully capitalize.

The game was tight all the way until the end with Shuswap grabbing a 13-12 victory.

The final game to decide it all took place on July 20 at 6:30 p.m. on Lumberman’s Park by the arena.

Results were not available at press time.

100 Mile House Free Press