Scaiano grapples to gold at BC Games

Tyleen Scaiano of Williams Lake is now a two-time BC Summer Games gold medalist.

Photo submittedTyleen Scaiano of Williams Lake is now a two-time gold medalist at the BC Summer Games following her win in Cowichan this past weekend at the annual athletic spectacle.

Photo submittedTyleen Scaiano of Williams Lake is now a two-time gold medalist at the BC Summer Games following her win in Cowichan this past weekend at the annual athletic spectacle.

Tyleen Scaiano of Williams Lake is now a two-time BC Summer Games gold medalist.

Scaiano, 15, competing as part of the Cariboo-North East Zone, was the winner in the 51-kilogram weight class at this year’s games, held during the weekend in Cowichan.

In preparation for the Games, Scaiano travelled to train at Coast Wrestling Academy in the Lower Mainland with coach Frank Mensah and at Simon Fraser University.

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Her coaches said she was excited when she found out she was eligible to attend another Games with a chance to win another gold medal.

In 2016, Scaiano won gold in the 47-kilogram weight division.

“It was a great opportunity to meet new friends and get to know other wrestlers better to make life-long friends,” she said.

“It was a busy time at the Games but they make it fun, as well as competitive, for each sport.”

On top of being a two-time BC Games gold medalist, Scaiano is also a two-time gold medalist at the National Canada Lutte Championship (2017/18).

She thanked all her coaches who have helped her train and get prepared for each competition she’s attended.

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B.C. GamesWilliams Lake Tribune