
Golf scores from Summerland

Summerland Ladies Club

On Tuesday, July 4, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club played the game “O.N.E.S.” in which only the holes starting with those letters are counted. i.e. one, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and then the score is doubled and handicap subtracted to arrive at the net score. The winners are:

First Flight: First Lil Smith, 76. Tied for second Helen Pybus and Linda Brussee, 77.

Second Flight: First Janis Goll, 67. Second Gwen Redfern, 70.

Third Flight: First Helen Benallick, 77. Tied for second Ellen Clay and Jean Walker, 80.

Summerland Senior Men’s Club

On July 6, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played a two gross, two net scores event.

Terry Clarke was the low gross for the day with a 76 while Doug Steinke led all comers with a fine seven under par net 65. Five players shared the deuce pot, Greg Flook with two, Jim Haddrell, Doug Steinke, Chuck Harman and Herb Williams.

First Flight: First low gross Terry Clarke, 76; first low net Doug Steinke, 65; second low gross Bob Fortune, 80; second low net Doug Munn, 71.

Second Flight: First low gross Dave Carleton, 83; first low net Jeff Clarke, 69; second low gross Eric Johnson, 87; second low net Nick Coe, 73.

Third Flight: First low gross Bob Tamblyn, 93; first low net Herb Williams, 71; second low gross Ken Foster, 100; second low net George Carswell, 77.

Summerland Review