
Game summaries and league standings from Summerland.


Summerland Ladies Club

On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club counted scores using low gross and low net scores.

First Flight: First low gross Carol Mulligan, 86; first low net Vi Ward, 73.

Second Flight: First low gross Margo Humphreys, 92; first low net Pat Stohl, 68.

Third Flight: First low gross Janis Goll, 98; first low net Betsy McAndrew, 79.

Summerland Senior Ladies’ Club

On Oct. 1, the Summerland Senior Ladies’ Club played a Stableford match.

Results: First Lynne Karaim, 41; second Lyn Keegan and Vajai   Vaagen, 38; third Francis   Colussi, 37; fourth Pat Stohl, 36; fifth Ellen Clay, 34.

Summerland Senior Men’s Club

On Sept. 24, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played a one gross/three net scores event.

Bryce Parker shot a 75 to take low gross honours while Sandy McDowell had a seven under par net 65 to lead the field.

Les Brough, Peter Schnurr and Ken Foster shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First low gross Bryce Parker, 75; first low net Sandy McDowell, 65; second low net Jim Haddrell, 69; third low net Greg Flook, 72.

Second Flight: First low gross Ken Bridgeman, 81 cb; first low net Denis Wright, 68; second low net Peter Schnurr, 70; third low net Ron Unger, 71 cb.

Third Flight: First low gross Stew Macaulay, 90; first low net Ken Robertson, 71 cb; second low net Wayne Statham, 71; third low net Keith Roach, 73.

On Oct. 1, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played an all net scores event.

Alf Vaagen was the overall low net winner by countback with a four under par 68.

Vaagen, Frank Davie, Heinz Burki and Bryce Parker shared the deuce pot.

First Flight: First low net Alf Vaagen, 68 cb; second low net Jim Haddrell, 68; third low net Bryce Parker, 69 cb; fourth low net Les Brough, 69.

Second Flight: First low net Peter Schnurr, 70; second low net Ken Bridgeman, 72; third low net Heinz Burki, 73; fourth low net Rick Wych, 73.

Third Flight: First low net Herb Williams, 71; second low net Frank Davie, 72; third low net Ken Robertson, 76; fourth low net Keith Roach, 77.


Summerland Review