Here are the Centennial Christian Seahawks after the junior boys A zone win, Nov. 11. Back Row is coach Edgar Veldman, Evan Veldman, Mason Kroeker, Jason Bandstra, Cole Nutma, Vidar Sandhals, Lucas Lanterman, Nathan Struyk and in the front is Matt Brown. Missing from photo is Gavin Palahicky.

Here are the Centennial Christian Seahawks after the junior boys A zone win, Nov. 11. Back Row is coach Edgar Veldman, Evan Veldman, Mason Kroeker, Jason Bandstra, Cole Nutma, Vidar Sandhals, Lucas Lanterman, Nathan Struyk and in the front is Matt Brown. Missing from photo is Gavin Palahicky.

Seahawks cap a perfect season

The coach for the Centennial Christian’s Seahawks junior boys team said it was an exciting weekend of volleyball in Prince Rupert.

  • Nov. 21, 2011 12:00 p.m.

The coach for the Centennial Christian’s Seahawks junior boys team said it was an exciting weekend of volleyball in Prince Rupert for the junior boys A zones held there.

Undefeated locally this season, the Seahawks capped a perfect season with the zone win Nov. 11 at Charles Hays Secondary school.

“We had a really good season,” said Edgar Veldman, coach of the team.

After wins against Houston and Smithers, the team was up against Skeena Junior in the semi finals where it won 2-1.

The final match for the Seahawks was against Smithers, which they took 2-0 for the win and the A zone title for the northwest.

Veldmen said a lot of the players on the team also played at the senior level, which was a bit of a complication for the availability of players, but ultimately a great learning experience.

With a key player missing from the lineup for the start of zones, Veldman said the team was able to battle through and perform well.

“That was a good lesson for them, to learn that they can battle through adversity and do well,” Veldman said, adding that he appreciates the hard work of the team all season long.

Centennial Christian’s Nathan Struyk was named tournament MVP.

Terrace Standard