2012 was another exciting year for soccer in Castlegar. Once again, I would like to say thank you to all the volunteers (executive, directors, coaches,…) for the hard work and time they have put in, doing everything necessary to keep soccer alive and well in Castlegar. People really stepped up in 2012, and lots of great things resulted.
Membership was up slightly for 2012, with approximately 450 players registered
All executive positions on CMSA were filled; Training sessions for coaches were completed prior to the season start; All players were entered into the website database, making schedule change notifications possible.
Indoor soccer started back-up over the winter of 2012, the first time in roughly 4 years; Goaltending clinics for 8-13 year olds were held over several weekends.
A successful “wind-up” was held for the Mini soccer division.
Field conditions, especially at Twin Rivers/Millennium, were noticeably improved as a result of the city’s double aeration and fertilization.
Castlegar successfully hosted a U12 “Jamboree” in August, with teams participating from Nelson, Cranbrook, Sandpoint, and other communities.
Two sets of regulation U12 nets were purchased, one prior to the house season, and a second portable set just prior to the Jamboree.
A presentation that was made before the City Council was very well received; thanking them for their support over the season and looking forward to a partnership for future facilities development.
Changes made to the traditional funding model appear to be appreciated by community sponsors.
Discussions about ways to continue to improve soccer are happening now.
Opportunities for Improvement:
The CMSA application for additional funding (BC Gaming grant) was not accepted for 2013. A committee will need to be formed to look into this.
Because of some very wet weather, there was no youth wind up as we had the previous 2 years.
Jersey returns continue to be a headache!
We need to continue the dialogue with the city and others to ensure fields and facilities are improved with soccer in mind
I am very pleased with what CMSA has accomplished over the past year. With a great crop of new faces around the table, and after 7 years on the executive, I feel it is the right time to have someone else take over as President. Thanks again for all of your hard work and support!
Ralph Lunn
President, CMSA