Seattle bests Black Sheep

Too many turnovers in the first half of their rugby playoff game against Seattle Saracens cost the Port Alberni Black Sheep the game.

A Port Alberni Black Sheep takes control of the ball in the first half of their B.C. Rugby Union semi-final against Seattle, Saturday at the rugby pitch.

A Port Alberni Black Sheep takes control of the ball in the first half of their B.C. Rugby Union semi-final against Seattle, Saturday at the rugby pitch.

Too many turnovers in the first half of their rugby playoff game against Seattle Saracens cost the Port Alberni Black Sheep the game and a shot at a B.C. title on Saturday.

The Black Sheep opened scoring, but the first half ended with Seattle up 27–5. Then the Saracens scored 15 minutes into the second to go up 34–5.

In that second half, the Black Sheep took territorial advantage and kept a handle on the turnovers, but weren’t able to overcome the hole they dug in the first half.

“Anytime we made a mistake they did good things with it,” head coach Jas Purewal said.

The Sheep responded with two tries and shortened the gap to 34–17, but Seattle capitalized deep in Port Alberni’s end with a try to seal the Black Sheeps’ fate. They scored one more time for the final 46–17 tally.

“At the end of the day I thought our guys were very competitive. What makes me proud is there was no giving up,” Purewal said.

In the other B.C. semi-final, the Vancouver Meraloma defeated Abbotsford 67–19 so the B.C. final will see Seattle face the Meralomas in the provincial Div. 1 men’s final on May 9.

SCRUM NOTES…In B.C. high school rugby, the ADSS boys’ Armada lost in their high school qualifier, while the ADSS girls head to their qualifier soon…The Black Sheep awards banquet is May 23…A friendly vs. Vancouver Rowing Club is planned for Friday, May 29 with a 7 p.m. kickoff at the rugby club at the top of Argyle Street.

Alberni Valley News