Secco mounts come-from-behind victory

The Primo Secco team stayed on top of the Trail Retirees curling standings last week.

The Primo Secco team stayed on top of the Trail Retirees curling standings last week with a come-from-behind win over Harvey Handley’s rink.

Behind 4-2 after three ends it was the Secco foursome that caught on to the ice before the  Handley rink.  Trusting that the ice would swing, the Secco side put up the next seven points and coasted to a 9–6 victory.

Alvin Caron dominated the first half of the game against Clare Coleman’s foursome, leading 6-1.  Down but not out the Coleman side was sitting four with one Caron rock to come.  A killer hit and roll to the side of the button under cover cut the end to a single point, and Coleman could not overcome the deficit.

Team Murray Walsh played a steady game against team Ernie Brown.  Team Brown’s only luck was bad luck.  That combination led to a 7–0 win after six ends.  After the game Ernie refused to blame his new shoes for the loss.

Team Tom Hall held the lead 6-3 over team Forrest Drinnan going into the eighth end.  Drinnan was left with an almost impossible triple takeout for the win.  Making ‘only’ a double takeout left him with a single and a 6-4  loss.

In a close, back and fourth game it was a steal of two in the seventh end for Serge Pasquali’s rink against the Wayne Wyton foursome that sealed the deal.  In the eighth end the Wyton side was run out of rocks to make the final 8–4 for Pasquali.

The Dan Horan team took five in the sixth end to take a 9-5 lead over the Jim Stewart foursome.  A steal of one for Horan did not dampen the Stewart side as they had a shot at a comeback in the eighth but could only score three.  Horan 10 – Stewart 8.

Trail Daily Times