Back row: Lyndsay Anderson, Michaela Meldrum, Maddy Corbett, Brook Luker, Olivia Pieters, Kate Corneliuson, Darah Clarke, Charlize DuPreez. Missing: Coach Lori Clarke. (Drew Wetmore file).

Back row: Lyndsay Anderson, Michaela Meldrum, Maddy Corbett, Brook Luker, Olivia Pieters, Kate Corneliuson, Darah Clarke, Charlize DuPreez. Missing: Coach Lori Clarke. (Drew Wetmore file).

Selkirk Senior Girls Basketball places first at Fernie Secondary tournament

Selkirk Senior Girls Basketball team placed first at the Fernie Secondary tournament against 7 other teams from across the East and West Kootenays January 12 & 13.

  • Jan. 15, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Selkirk Senior Girls Basketball team placed first at the Fernie Secondary tournament against 7 other teams from across the East and West Kootenays January 12 & 13.

Selkirk Junior Girls Basketball team placed 2nd at DTSS in Invermere January 12 & 13, winning two of their three games.

Selkirk will also be hosting a Senior Boys tournament this coming weekend, January 19 & 20.

Kimberley Daily Bulletin