Sending soccer to Haiti

The KSS Center for Soccer Excellence has been collecting cleats, shin pads, goalie gloves and other gear to send to Haiti later this month.

The KSS Centre for Soccer Excellence has been collecting donations to send to Haiti.

The KSS Centre for Soccer Excellence has been collecting donations to send to Haiti.

The Kwalikum Secondary Center for Soccer Excellence has been collecting cleats, shin pads, goalie gloves and any other soccer gear to send to Haiti later this month.

The CSE has collected over 140 pairs of cleats and is looking for more to send with Craig Gooding and Baz Danoit, who both play for the Shady Rest Eagles Soccer Club, and are headed to Haiti to help construct housing.

They leave at the end of October to assist in building homes and will hand deliver the equipment for anyone in the village who wishes to enjoy the beautiful game.

“We’re extremely happy to be helping Craig and Baz with this cause,” KSS athletic director Butch Gayton said. “Seeing all the donations that have come in already has been tremendous and knowing where it’s all going, it’s nice to see people wanting to give so others can have a chance to do something they might not normally have a chance to do or enjoy.”

Anyone wishing to donate can drop off gear at the KSS front office.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News