Senior golfer nails three birds

Veteran golfer Gerry Janzen shot a great game last Tuesday, including three birdies

Veteran golfer Gerry Janzen shot a great game last Tuesday, including three birdies, a KP (closest to the pin) and a chip in. He was the low-net winner for the day as well. Bruce Chisholm was low-gross.

Noted on the green:

• KP on number one was Jim Peterson.

• Jug Kalar scored a birdie and a sandy par.

• Ray  Bourassa had two sandy pars and Rick Nott had one.

• Mike Morgan had a chip-in par.

John Barger and Ray Bourassa went head to head in the match play final at 8 a.m., July 3.


The Duffer reminds us that every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must then make two triple  bogeys to restore equilibrium in the universe.


— Submitted by Rick Nott



Lake Cowichan Gazette