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Senior Men’s Open Championship golf event held in Summerland

Tournament was held on Aug. 19

  • Aug. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Summerland Ladies Club

On Aug. 17, the Summerland Golf and Country Ladies Club played T’s and F’s, a game in which one counts only the holes starting with T or F, such as two, three, four, five, etc., and then double the score and subtract one’s handicap to arrive at the net score.

First flight: First Lil Smith, 69; second Vijai Vaagen, 75 cb; third Carol Mulligan, 75.

Second flight: First Marie Gallant, 66; second Julie Macauly, 67; third Betsy McAndrew, 68.

READ ALSO: Summerland Senior Men hold team counting golf event

READ ALSO: Summerland Ladies Club golfers count low gross/low net scores

Summerland Senior Men

On Aug. 19, the Summerland Senior Men’s Club played the Senior Men’s Open Championship.

The winner and overall low gross winner for 2021 was Darrel Watson from Nk’Mip Golf Club and two under 70. The overall low net winner was Tom Woodland from B.C. Players Club with a five under 67.

First flight: First low gross Don Borwn, 72 cb; first low net Warren Julien, 69 cb; second low gross Jeff Omland, 72 cb; second low net Ken Wither, 69 cb.

Second flight: First low gross Jack Horning, 76; first low net Alan Bayliss, 69; second low gross Dave Theillman, 79 cb; second low net Tom Newton, 71.

Third flight: First low gross Tom Billingham, 80 first low net Vic Isaak, 68; second low gross Cary Herschmiller, 83; second low net Jim Bradshaw, 72.

Fourth flight: First low gross Mike Van Tegham, 84; first low net Jeff Clarke, 70 cb; second low gross Pat Witzaney, 88; second low net Brian McKay, 70.

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Summerland Review