Senior strikes gold

Floyd Stanley won two gold medals in tennis.

Floyd Stanley won two gold medals in tennis.

Floyd Stanley is golden when it comes to tennis.

After playing 68 tennis games one day and 72 games the next at the recent BC Senior Games, he was feeling the effort, he said.

“I’m pretty sore,” the spry senior admitted last week.

“But it was a great tournament. They did it so well. It was very well-organized.”

The BC Senior Games were held in Trail, Castlegar and Nelson Aug. 16-20; Stanley competed in the 69-to 74-year-old age group in singles and in mixed doubles.

Tennis players can only enter two events, he noted, and he won gold in both (with partner Mavis McLean in doubles).

“It felt good to come out on top,” he said.

Two grandsons live in Nelson, he added, so it was a huge bonus to be able to see them and spend time with family.

“That made it special. My grandsons (aged two and five) were there with me at the medal ceremony,” said Stanley.

“They’ll remember that for the rest of their lives.”


Peace Arch News