Curtis Sands (left) and Cliff Kostiuk of the Sky-Hi Scoffolding curling team sweep hard during a Quesnel Sponsor League match at the Quesnel Curling Centre on Dec. 11. (Sasha Sefter - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

Curtis Sands (left) and Cliff Kostiuk of the Sky-Hi Scoffolding curling team sweep hard during a Quesnel Sponsor League match at the Quesnel Curling Centre on Dec. 11. (Sasha Sefter - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

Service Electric holding strong atop the Quesnel Sponsor League

Close games kept the competition heated as the league met for the last time before the holiday break

  • Dec. 26, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Service Electric and Redz Shedz kept it close through five ends during last week’s Quesnel Sponsor League curling matches, with the Service Electric team up 5-4. A rare miss from the Shedz opened the door for Service Electric to steal two, and from then, on the current was flowing. Service Electric won with a final score of 8-4.

The team from Quesnel Lawn Care (QLC) got things going early against the Child Development Centre (CDC) crew with a 7-2 lead after five. However, CDC took advantage of a picked rock in the sixth and closed the gap with a four-ender. The comeback story wasn’t meant to be, as QLC took two more in the seventh and ran the CDC out of rocks in the eight, sending them home with a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking and a final score of 9-6.

A game of crooked numbers saw the Brenda Ernst team run with deuces wild, bringing some fierce play against Sky-Hi Scaffolding. The match saw back-and-forth scoring end-to-end, with a precision hit wrapping the game for team Ernst 9-7.

The tightest match of the night saw the Billy Barker crew battling hard all night with the team from Century 21. In the final end of play, team Billy Barker earned a single point to break the tie and send the housing market crashing down, winning the game 7-6.

The standings through six weeks are:

Service Electric: 5-1

Billy Barker Casino: 4-2

Sky-Hi Scaffolding: 3-3

Century 21: 3-3

Brenda Ernst: 3-3

Redz Shedz: 2-4

CDC: 2-4

QLC: 2-4

READ MORE: Service Electric sits atop Quesnel Sponsor League after five weeks of play

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