Sgt. still holds a torch for Olympic games

Staff Sgt. Roger Plamondon of the Ladysmith RCMP cannot believe it’s already been a year since carrying the Olympic torch.

Staff Sgt. Plamondon holds up some of his Vancouver 2010 Olympic memorabilia. Plamondon was a torch bearer last year.

Staff Sgt. Plamondon holds up some of his Vancouver 2010 Olympic memorabilia. Plamondon was a torch bearer last year.

Staff Sgt. Roger Plamondon of the Ladysmith RCMP cannot believe it’s already been a year since carrying the Olympic torch.

“It was one of my top highlights as a police officer,” he said. “I have fond memories.”

Plamondon flew to Greece in October 2009 for the hand over of the flame, flying it back to Victoria.

He also travelled across Canada, from St. John’s and back, with the torch.

“I met a whole bunch of different Canadians,” he said of his cross-continent travels.

“It was great to deal with individuals happy to see you.”

Plamondon said over the past year he’s had the opportunity to tell his story.

“I’ve had the chance to make presentations to community organizations,” he said. “It’s an opportunity to share my personal experience on the relay.”

Plamondon, who still keeps in contact with some of the other police officers he met during the journey, said it was great working for VANOC. “It was a great atmosphere and a great environment.”

He said it was amazing seeing the reactions on the faces of the torchbearers and the rest of the Canadian public.

“It was amazing how the flame brought people together from coast to coast,” he said. “It’s certainly something I will always cherish.”

Ladysmith Chronicle