Showcase to assist Syrian refugee family

This Saturday, March 14 will see the first Mid-Month Market and Vendor Showcase.

This Saturday, March 14 will see the first Mid-Month Market and Vendor Showcase.

This new undertaking will run monthly from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Summerland United Church. It will feature homemade items and independent business consultants such as Tupperware, Mary Kay, Princess House kitchenware, Avon, epicure and others.

You will be helping to raise funds to assist in the resettling of a Syrian refugee family who will be arriving within a month.

For more about the variety of items that will be available check out their Facebook page at midmonthmarketandvendorshowcase.

This weekend will also see the Summerland Dance Club monthly dance at the Summerland Legion and a concert at Centre Stage Theatre.

If you got away for some sun in Mexico this winter and want to relive that experience or if you didn’t get south here’s an opportunity to enjoy a fiesta of music and culture from ol’ Mexico. El Mariachi Los Dorados have returned for their annual spring concert featuring the bass guitar stylings of Diego Kohl and the lead guitar and vocals of band leader Alex Alegria.

On another musical note the next Penticton and District Community Concert features QuintEssence! at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 at the Cleland Theatre.

For those who enjoy the music of the Penticton Tune-Agers  they are back with their Spring Concert, Anything Goes, at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 28, at Penticton United Church, 696 Main St. This concert is under the direction of Gordon Dawson. Tickets are available at the Visitors Centre at the corner of Eckhardt and Channel Parkway, at Dragon’s Den on Front Street, at the Shatford Centre and from members of the Tune-Agers.

Symphony lovers will be pleased that the OSO will return to the Cleland Theatre on April 10 to perform Hayden’s masterpiece The Creation.

David Finnis is the publicity chair and past president of the Summerland Community Arts Council, P.O. Box 1217, 9908 Main St., Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review