Siemens paces Mouat to Valley cross-country title

Alexandra Siemens led her W. J. Mouat team, coached by Cam Smith, to a Valley team championship...

Two week’s ago Alexandra Siemens suffered a rare loss to another Valley runner when Walnut Grove’s Ashley Windsor beat the W.J. Mouat runner at the Big Rock meet.

But at Wednesday’s Fraser Valley cross-country championship, Siemens turned the tables to record a convincing win over Windsor and 154 other runners that took part in the senior girls race at Aldergrove Park.

Siemens’ win led her W. J. Mouat team, coached by Cam Smith, to a Valley team championship and an automatic berth in the provincial meet on Nov. 5 in Kelowna.

Siemens devised a race plan that worked well for her.

“It was important that I put some pressure on Ashley just after the halfway point, and not let her get away from me going up the steep hill,” she said.

Indeed, after climbing that hill for the second time Siemens had opened up a lead of more than 60 meters that she held to the finish.

The other scoring members of the Mouat team included Callum Pilgrim (7th), Sarya Ross (8th), Francesca Jackman (20th) and Amanda Thompson (68th).

Local results from some the other races saw Alicia Unruh of MEI come second in the junior girls race, and Aiden Bingert of Mouat place ninth in the junior boys’ division.

Abbotsford News