Signing kids up for hockey

Cowichan Lake and District Minor Hockey registrar Jen Fawcett signs up another kid, during the “final registration” event, Saturday, May 7.  Fawcett reports an average number of registrations thus far, this season. Although the May 7 registration was titled the “final,” she said that they are still accepting kids. “There may be wait lists for certain divisions. If we can fit them in, we’ll try our best,” she said.  They’re also looking for coaches. “You don’t have to be a parent to coach,” she said.

Cowichan Lake and District Minor Hockey registrar Jen Fawcett signs up another kid, during the “final registration” event, Saturday, May 7. Fawcett reports an average number of registrations thus far, this season. Although the May 7 registration was titled the “final,” she said that they are still accepting kids. “There may be wait lists for certain divisions. If we can fit them in, we’ll try our best,” she said. They’re also looking for coaches. “You don’t have to be a parent to coach,” she said.

Lake Cowichan Gazette