Similkameen girls assist in Provincials win

Cory, Bailey and Syd spent this weekend playing in the U14 Provincials with the Naramata Red Lightning softball team.

From  left: Cory Vesper (coach), Bailey Vesper (catcher), Sydney Crow (pitcher and first base).  The Similkameen contingent of the Naramata Red Lightning baseball team played excellent ball in taking the Provincials title last weekend.

From left: Cory Vesper (coach), Bailey Vesper (catcher), Sydney Crow (pitcher and first base). The Similkameen contingent of the Naramata Red Lightning baseball team played excellent ball in taking the Provincials title last weekend.

Cory, Bailey and Syd spent this weekend playing in the U14 Provincials with the Naramata Red Lightning softball team.

Sydney Crow had two MVP and Bailey Vesper had one MVP.

The team fought hard all weekend playing three games that went into international rules.(extra innings). On the third day the team played five games back to back, winning the semi finals against Langford 10-3 and winning the finals against Quesnel 12-2.

They took home the gold. Both girls played amazingly well,  showing great strength and ability. Coach Cory was a great coach being able to settle the team and pump up the girls playing. We are very proud of all of them.


Congratulations on winning the U14 Provincials.



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