Skaters make top ten in Kelowna

Terrace skaters did well and skated new personal bests in a big Kelowna tournament recently which was the final competition of the season.

Seven Terrace skaters  competed in Kelowna at the Super Series Star Skate Final on March 5.  In the photo from the left are  Kaytlin Gingles, Maya Lecuyer, Tristen Morgan, Camryn Monsen, Brianne Monsen, Halle Classen, Makayla Forrest.

Seven Terrace skaters competed in Kelowna at the Super Series Star Skate Final on March 5. In the photo from the left are Kaytlin Gingles, Maya Lecuyer, Tristen Morgan, Camryn Monsen, Brianne Monsen, Halle Classen, Makayla Forrest.

All seven of the Terrace competitors earned top ten placings and personal bests in the provincial-level “Super Series Star Skate Final” competition  in Kelowna earlier this month.

Competing in categories with as many as 38 skaters, the Terrace skaters earned nine medals in the 17 categories they competed in.

Halle Classen won a medal in all three of her events. She earned gold the Star Four Freeskate under 13 group one and in the Junior Bronze Dance, as well as bronze in the Bronze Interpretive group one.

Maya Lecuyer won two gold medals, one in Pre-Juvenile Freeskate under 13 and another in Senior Bronze Dance. She also got fourth in Sliver Interpretive.

Makayla Forrest got a gold evaluation (placed in the top provincial category) in Star Three Freeskate and a silver evaluation in the Intro Interpretive group one.

Camryn Monsen won gold in the Bronze Interpretive group two and bronze in the Star Four Freeskate under 13, and sixth in Senior Bronze Dance.

Tristen Morgan earned a silver evaluation in the Intro Interpretive group four, and won a bronze medal in Star Four Freeskate 13 & over. She also finished fifth in Junior Bronze Dance.

Brianne Monsen earned a silver medal in Junior Bronze Dance, fourth place in Star Five Freeskate under 13, and sixth place in Bronze Interpretive group one.

Kaytlin Gingles earned fourth in Star Four Freeskate under 13, fifth in Senior Bronze Dance, and ninth in Bronze Interpretive group three.

“All the skaters had personal bests this weekend,” added coach Jennifer Kuehne.

For Brianne Monsen, ranking fourth out of 38 skaters was a personal best, Kuehne said.

Kaytlin Gingles also landed her axel for the first time in competition.

The regular skating season wrapped up last week with a final fun event last Thursday, but Kuehne said skaters will continue to train in Terrace over the spring break and then when the Terrace arena closes, they will travel to Kitimat to continue training until mid-May.


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