From left, Helena Keating, Isabella Kroker Kimber, and Mallory Pinske faced competition from around the province this month.

From left, Helena Keating, Isabella Kroker Kimber, and Mallory Pinske faced competition from around the province this month.

Skaters wrap up season in Kelowna

Nelson Skating Club skaters competed at the STARSkate Super Series Final, a province-wide competition for the BC/Yukon Section Team Trophy.

Submitted to the Nelson Star

Nelson Skating Club skaters competed this month in Kelowna at the STARSkate Super Series Final, a province-wide competition that sees skaters from all regions of BC competing against each other for the BC/Yukon Section Team Trophy.

Isabella Kroker Kimber and Mallory Pinske performed their free skate numbers in the STAR 3 category which is an evaluated event where skaters receive report cards evaluating each element, but are not ranked against each other.

Kroker Kimber achieved a silver rating with a number of gold elements, while Pinske received a bronze rating with a number of silver elements.

“I was very impressed with the skaters’ composure as we become small fish in a big pond each time we attend this competition,” commented coach Sarah Gower, who launched the Nelson skaters for the competition. “The girls were focussed, relaxed and enjoyed their performances. I was especially impressed with Mallory’s performance as she was skating with an injured knee.”

Helena Keating was the third member of the club to compete in Kelowna. She achieved the bronze medal in STAR 4 U13, Group 2, competing against skaters from Vancouver Island, Central Interior, and the Lower Mainland.

“Helena was very well prepared by her coach, my work colleague Yoshie Measures, and all I had to do was supply her with a few key words and encouragement,” Gower said. “She had a super performance, landing both axel jumps and achieving a gold level on her combination spin.”

Kroker Kimber and Pinske also competed for the first time in the Introductory Interpretive event in a very competitive group of 15 skaters from around the province. Pinske placed 11th and Kroker Kimber 12th and both received season’s best scores.

“This is the first time that our skaters entered interpretive events at Super Series Final,” Gower explained. “It was an excellent learning experience and gave us lots of ideas for next season. It was also the first time that either I or my skaters got to sit in the legendary skating ‘Kiss and Cry’ seating where you are filmed while waiting for your marks. The whole competition was live streamed globally and there are thousands of viewers each year. Of course I had to make an air heart to all our skaters at home!”

This wraps up the competitive season for Nelson skaters, although they took tests in Beaver Valley on Saturday in the disciplines of free skate, interpretive, dance and skills.

Nelson Star