Cowichan Valley High School Bowling Program award winners mark the end of the 2019-20 season. (Submitted)

Cowichan Valley High School Bowling Program award winners mark the end of the 2019-20 season. (Submitted)

#Skittles and Titans lead Cowichan High School Bowling Program

The league championship was won by the Titans

The Cowichan Valley High School Bowling Program wrapped up the 2019-20 season earlier this spring with playoffs and awards.

The league championship was won by the Titans, the duo of Brandon Clark and Gavin Murchie, but the league runners-up, #Skittles, made up of Briana Wright and Tianna Mellings, ended up taking home the playoff championship.

Wright and Mellings also cleaned up in the ladies individual awards. Wright had the ladies high single of 178, high series of 439, and high average of 132.75 to claim her third consecutive Triple Crown. Wright also collected her third straight Bertha Linde Memorial Scholarship. Mellings had the ladies high over average single of 51 and high over average series of 97. Paige Novak was the Most Improved Lady with a plus-14.56 rating.

The men’s awards were more spread out, although Logan Harvey was the biggest winner, taking the Triple Crown with the men’s high single of 244, high series of 615, and high average of 177.81, which was a new league record. Harvey also received his second consecutive Denis Linde Memorial Scholarship.

Also collecting awards on the men’s side were Kyle Murchie, with the high over average single of 84, and Brandon Clark, with the high over average series of 161. The Most Improved Man was Gavin Murchie at plus-23.11.

Cowichan Valley Citizen