Arthur Davidson of Balls Deep lobs a pitch. (Barry Stewart Photo)

Arthur Davidson of Balls Deep lobs a pitch. (Barry Stewart Photo)

Slo-pitch making a return in Hope

Organizers confident the new league will be a hit

Barry Stewart

Hope Standard

Apart from occasional weekend and Brigade Days tournaments, the ball diamonds at Sixth Avenue hadn’t seen much action since about 2010, when I last reported on a local slo-pitch league.

That changed this spring, under the persuasion of George Campbell, president of the new Hope Slo-Pitch League.

“The season started on April 10,” said Campbell, Tuesday. “We started out with ten teams but it eventually turned out to be eight. We’ve got one driving from Boston Bar, the Yahoos.

“I’m hoping next year there will be more teams and more help in running the league,” he added.

“It’s age 16 and up. The oldest player is probably pushing 50.

“It’s for everybody,” he contended. “It’s not really competitive; just to get the community together. It’s typically four women (out of 10 players) on the field but we’re flexible if a team is short on women.

“We’re hoping to have a year-end tournament on the July 22 weekend, just for the teams in the league. We’ll probably have a round-robin first, then do single-knockout on Sunday,” said Campbell.

League info can be found on Facebook, under “Hope Slo Pitch League.”

Hope Standard