Slow motion moves

Claudette Cote, centre front, leads Tai Chi members Anthony Arcand, Ann Altemeyer, Barb Goodall, Winston Lee-Hai and Christina McDermott

Claudette Cote, centre front, leads Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi members Anthony Arcand, Ann Altemeyer, Barb Goodall, Winston Lee-Hai and Christina McDermott in moves during a demonstration held Saturday at the Mall at Piccadilly.

Claudette Cote, centre front, leads Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi members Anthony Arcand, Ann Altemeyer, Barb Goodall, Winston Lee-Hai and Christina McDermott in moves during a demonstration held Saturday at the Mall at Piccadilly.

Claudette Cote, centre front, leads Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi members Anthony Arcand, Ann Altemeyer, Barb Goodall, Winston Lee-Hai and Christina McDermott in moves during a demonstration held Saturday at the Mall at Piccadilly.

Salmon Arm Observer