The Smithers Men's Soccer League got underway last week.

The Smithers Men's Soccer League got underway last week.

Smithers soccer season in full swing

Rapids playing well to start the spring/summer season.

BV Rapids:

On May 11, Bulkley Valley Rapids U18 boys travelled to Terrace  to play their U18 boys, a team that last year finished second in the province in the U17 competition.

Both teams scored early. Bryce Deveau continued his goal scoring streak, volleying in a cross for the BV Rapids. But Terrace responding soon after.

Mid-way through the first half, the Rapids pulled in front 2-1 with their second goal, on a powerful header by midfielder Gabriel Price, perfectly crossed into space from the wing.

There were chances at both ends. Goalkeeper Will Kiskila maintained the BV Rapids’ lead with a pair of great diving saves.

The contest remained close until two Terrace players were sent off in two separate incidents for kicking BV Rapids’ players and Ryan Wright scored a third goal for the BV Rapids from a well taken penalty.

Earlier this month, the Bulkley Valley Rapids U18 boys played its first games of the season, a two game series at SSS versus Prince George U18s. Both games were fast paced, intense affairs.

There was lots of hard tackling and lung busting runs, which caused major fitness challenges for BV players used to short shifts and playing in a gym.

Neither team was able to dominate. Prince George won the first game 1-0. Bulkley  Valley won the second game 1-0.

The winning goal for Bulkley Valley in the second game was a well  taken volley scored by winger Bryce Deveau.

The shutout was recorded by goalkeeper Matt Deveau, Bryce’s older brother.


Smithers Men’s League begins:

The Smithers Men’s League got underway last week with all four teams in action to start the season.

On opening night, the BV Rapids U18 beat the Smithers Men 3-1 behind two goals from Gabriel Price and one from Dylan Delany.

Shane Flynn added the lone marker for the Smithers Men.

The second game of the season took place last Friday evening between the SC Gunners Reds and the Aspen Gunners.

Macel Barralon scored two and Nataniel Henning added another to gve the SC Gunners a 3-2 victory.

With that, the league is in full swing. The four local teams will play games until late June.

Champions League  final at the Aspen:

The Aspen is opening the bar a little early on May 24, to welcome in soccer fans for the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.

For more information, contact Colin at the Aspen.


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