Evan Doyle transitions to his bike after completing his 300-metre swim during the 2012 BV Pool Tri-it Triathlon, June 10.

Evan Doyle transitions to his bike after completing his 300-metre swim during the 2012 BV Pool Tri-it Triathlon, June 10.

Smithers Tri-It Triathlon puts residents to test

The BV Pool's latest edition of the Tri-it Triathlon last weekend had over 40 competitors, some had never attempted a triathlon ever before.

  • Jun. 15, 2012 12:00 p.m.

The BV Pool hosted another edition of the Tri-it Triathlon last weekend with over 40 competitors, some had never attempted a triathlon ever before.

The Tri-it Triathlon is one of the staple summer events, promoting one of the most elite sports on the planet.

Participants of all ages and skill levels took part in the exhausting trial and introduced a number of young, soon to be champs to this amazing sport.

Robert Reeves, a long time triathlon athlete said although the veterans of his team were able to put up good scores, it was their rookie 15-year-old teammate who made the difference in the end.

“I swam the leg of the race for our team and I think I did a pretty good job,” Reeves said. “I think the benefit of the doubt went to the younger member of the team.”

“Sam’s 15 and a good runner. He brought us the distance that we needed.”

A former Tyhee Lake triathlete Reeves is a swimmer through and through, leaving the cycling and running to his partners.

Every year the Tri-it Triathlon brings out new triathletes, giving them a taste of what is possible in the sport but also pushes competitors to their limits.

“It’s a great community event to get people active and try it out,” Jane Hollenberg, event organizer said.

This year saw the largest category of 5–7 years ever, proving that triathlons are not only for the elite, but for anyone with the will to push themselves.

With over 50 participants this was by far one of the largest turnouts in recent years.

“It’s a great introduction to get them at a young age, interested in triathlons or any fitness activity,” Gail Jennies said.

Although for some triathlons are purely about winning, for the tri-it triathletes it’s more about the experience and just having fun.

“I was working at the finish line and for me the highlight was the little five-year-olds zig-zagging through the cones on their way to the finish line,” Jennies said.

“Time wasn’t an issue for them just having fun was their biggest goal.”

In the 15-plus category, swimming 400 metres, biking 20 kilometres and running 5 kilometres, Hollenberg pulled off a phenomenal win with a time of 1:07:20. Reeves and his teammates finished in second with a time of 1:16:19, followed by Marlowe Haskins in third with a time of 1:18:14.

In the 12–14 age group, swimming 300 metres, biking 10 kilometres and running 3 kilometres saw the Tanner team pulled out a first-place win with a time of 43:53 followed by the Patty team in second with a time of 44:48 and Travis Pete in third with a time of 47:08.

The 10–11 age group, swimming 150 metres, biking 5 kilometres and running 1 kilometre saw River Stokes-DeYoung take the first-place prize with a time of 20:28. Jack Wellington landed in second with a time of 25:20, followed by Eric MacWilliam-Watt in third with a time of 26:18.

The 8–9 age group, swimming 75 metres, biking 5 kilometres and running 1 kilometre saw Logan Unruh take the top of the podium with a time of 26:07. Logan Parker finished in second with a time of 26:27, followed by Jean-Luc Belanger in third with a time of 26:41.

In the largest category of the day, the 5–7 age group Zane Stokes-DeYoung finished in first with a time of 6:54. Dawson Unruh placed second with a time of 7:25, while Tess Wellington landed in third with a time of 7:52.

For more information or to register for summer programs contact the BV Pool at 250-847-4244.


Smithers Interior News