Smoke Eaters defeat Centennials on Hockey Day in Trail

Smoke Eaters defeat Centennials on Hockey Day in Trail

The Trail Memorial Centre showcased an exciting line up on Saturday during Hockey Day in Trail

Greater Trail celebrated its 63rd Hockey Day in Trail on Saturday with a historic line up.

A crowd of over 2,200 fans helped the Trail Smoke Eaters cap off a full day of activities with an exciting 4-3 victory over the Merritt Centennials.

The win, however, was the only one for the home teams, as the Kimberley Dynamiters skated to a 1-0 overtime victory over the Beaver Valley Nitehawks and the Kootenay Ice fell to the Greater Vancouver Canadians 5-4.

Greater Trail Minor Hockey kicked off the day with Junior and Senior Novice games and an Atom Jamboree, while the Tim Horton’s crew entertained crowds between periods.

See more on the Smoke Eaters, Nitehawks and Ice games in this week’s Times.

Trail Daily Times