Erin McNulty, pictured at a training session this year at Valley View, will discuss scholarship planning in a Saturday presentation at NIC. File photo

Erin McNulty, pictured at a training session this year at Valley View, will discuss scholarship planning in a Saturday presentation at NIC. File photo

Soccer franchise hosts scholarship planning session

The Riptide soccer program is pleased to welcome Erin McNulty and Stuart Neely, who will discuss the scholarship planning process with players and parents, Saturday, Oct. 14 at North Island College.

The Riptide soccer program is pleased to welcome Erin McNulty and Stuart Neely, who will discuss the scholarship planning process with players and parents, Saturday, Oct. 14 at North Island College.

McNulty is a former Canadian women’s national team player who grew up in Winnipeg. She earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree on full scholarships while attending American universities. She has also played professional soccer in Canada and in Europe.

Neely has coached in Youth World Cup qualifying events, and many international tours while working with the Canada Soccer Association (CSA). During that time, he also served as a coach educator at all levels of instruction from child to senior (A licence). In recent years while working with the Vancouver Whitecaps and Toronto FC of the MLS, he spent a great amount of time developing youth footballers and programs to suit their needs. Coaching within the MLS, USL, PDL, CIS and overseas structures, Neely has learned a great deal and is excited to share his ideas and vision on the game from a coaching education perspective. He holds a master of physical education, bachelor of adult education, and is a Level 5 Chartered Professional Coach.

The event is being made available for all Riptide players and parents.

“We ask Riptide players who will be attending the Starfire Showcase in

November with the 2003 girls, 2002 girls and 2000-2001 girls be sure to attend,” a news release states.

McNulty and Neely will speak at 6:30 p.m. at the Stan Hagen Theatre.

Comox Valley Record