Sonics fifth in high school golf

The Seaton Sonics finished fifth in a field of 15 at the B.C. High School Golf Championships at Pheasant Glen in Qualicum.

The Seaton Sonics finished fifth in a field of 15 at the B.C. High School Golf Championships at Pheasant Glen in Qualicum.

The Sonics went in with with medal hopes and were third, at 311, going into the final 18 holes.

For Russell Day and Matt McEachran-Law, it was the finale to their fine high school golf careers, while Grade 10s Parker Wadsworth and Mac Gourdine were gaining valuable experience.

Under sunny skies, Day fired a team-low 76 on opening day, while McEachran-Law, despite stumbling to a 10 on the par-5 9th, went even on the back and posted a 77. Gourdine, at 78, and Christian LaCasse, with 80, rounded things out.

The real story in round two was the gritty performance turned in by LaCasse, who had been out most of the year with an ailing back. On the verge of withdrawing minutes prior to his tee time, LaCasse pressed on and was 2-under par after 9.

He finished with an inspiring 76, but it wasn’t enough for the Sonics as Day, with 82, Gourdine, at 79, and McEachran-Law, with 78, were unable to get on any kind of roll. Seaton was seven strokes behind third-place Smithers and 25 behind the champion Kwalikum Condors, the host school.


Vernon Morning Star