Pirate Excavating volunteered its services to prep Art Morris Park for the coming fastball season. (Contributed - Sooke Minor Fastball Association)

Sooke businesses come together to repair ballfield

Diamonds 'fluffed up' for coming season

Play ball!

Those are the words Sooke Minor Fastball Association players hope to hear this spring after the season for most teams was cancelled last year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“It’s been a tough year,” said Justin Wilson, the association’s president.

RELATED: Sooke Minor Fastball eyes return to diamond

This year, the community rallied to get the field at Art Morris Park in shape for the coming season, even though there is no word yet from the provincial health officer if games will be allowed this year.

4M Bobcat & Trucking finished work Friday on the main diamond “fluffing up the infield,” while Pirate Excavating helped refinish the two smaller diamonds. Both projects came at no cost to the association.

Butler Concrete and Aggregate and the Sooke Community Association donated funds to supply the infield material.

“It’s a collaborative effort from a bunch of groups here to come together to make our ballfields all spiffy and ready for the season, especially after a COVID year when the fields came into a bit of disrepair because nobody was using them,” Wilson said.

So far, 122 children have signed up for spring ball, with registration still open. The association is especially looking for children who were born in 2011 and 2012 to play this year.

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