Sooke fishing warming up

Sooke fishing warming up

The salmon seem to be waiting for the tide change to get excited about feeding

Ron Neitsch


The cool weather cycle has finally broken in Sooke. Now we are seeing warmer temperatures along with flat water and sunny skies.

Many more boats are getting out to try to catch a salmon or halibut.

The salmon continue to run deep, 140 to 160 feet on the downrigger, trolling anchovy, spoons or hootchies in glow, green, or chrome patterns.

Green, red, glow, and the new Coyote 3 double crush glow flashers have been working well.

The salmon seem to be waiting for the tide change to get excited about feeding, so hang in there and keep working the area.

Halibut fishing continues to be good, and we have been seeing some great catches coming into the dock from areas west of the Sooke harbour mouth.

Crab fishing in the harbour has been getting better with more large male Dungeness and red rock crabs showing up.

Be sure to check out the Sooke Saltwater Series booth at this year’s Rotary Auction and Spring Fair on April 29.


Ron Neitsch writes for 2 Reel Fishing Adventures, based in Sooke.

Sooke News Mirror