Sooke on triathlon world stage

Sunday, Aug. 7 started with the familiar Sooke harbour fog, but soon cleared providing a beautiful backdrop for the 2011 Sooke Subaru International Triathlon. Race day started early with events including Half Ironman, Olympic, and Sprint Distance races, as well as relays in all three events. Sooke Triathletes gave it their all, with excellent results across the field.

Sunday, Aug. 7 started with the familiar Sooke harbour fog, but soon cleared providing a beautiful backdrop for the 2011 Sooke Subaru International Triathlon.  Race day started early with events including Half Ironman, Olympic, and Sprint Distance races, as well as relays in all three events.  Sooke Triathletes gave it their all, with excellent results across the field.


Half Ironman Relay

Overall Place        Name            Time

16.               Britches and Hose    6:20:19


Men’s Olympic Distance

43.              Brian Bell         3:14:30


Women’s Olympic Distance

19.              Kiya Kelly        3:12:34

24.              Nichole Tipper        3:16:45

32.              Tara Poirier        3:25:09

33.              Brigette Church        3:28:19


Olympic Distance Relay

1.               The Sooke Team         2:44:40


Men’s Sprint Distance

14.              Wade Borthwick        1:21:43

38.              Danny Eddy        1:37:11

42.              Len Church        1:41:58


Women’s Sprint Distance

23.              Kyla Mottershead    1:36:33

35.              Angela Whitaker        1:47:09

42.              Sue Van Der Poelen    1:58:23


Sprint Distance Relay

6.               Miss Fits            1:55:25


From all the local participants, we would like to thank the district of Sooke, all the incredible volunteers, and the residents who had to put up with the unfortunate road closures associated with the event. Thank you for your support and making this one of the top events in its class.

Sooke News Mirror